Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I Need New Everything

 I can not tell you how excited I am that it is tax time.  Some people dread this time of year, but not me.  In years past, my ex and I have done well when it comes to our refund, and I expect to do just as well this year.  I don;t make a lot of money, and it's hard enough for me to pay my bills every month, let alone splurge on things for the kids.  It is usually February when I buy them new clothes and shoes and all the other things I can't afford during the year.

Just because I have money to spend doesn't mean I spend it freely.  I still refuse to pay full price for anything, and I scour the stores for sales.  This year I am going to spend some money on new clothes for myself. I don't wear a uniform to work (though I do have some company sweatshirts) and I like to look nice. I no longer need pants with elastic waistbands, so jean shopping should be fun. I also need new shoes.  My sneakers have holes in the bottoms, so when it rains I walk around all day with wet feet.

This is also the time of year we all get new socks and underwear.  This may be too much information, but I haven't bought new underwear since I have lost all this weight, and the ones I wear are way too big.  I am looking forward to buying some that will fit properly.  Of course, I will try and find a hanes coupon or two to help save me some money. I also need new bras.  I haven't bought a "real" bra since my surgery.  I have only worn sports bras.  I am looking forward to buying something lacy and sexy.  The only bras that used to fit me didn't come in any color other than white, so I'm hoping to find something black that fits.  Or maybe even something purple.  Or flowery.  Who knows.  It will be fun to have choices. 

I promised the kids that I will give them each one hundred dollars when I get my refund to make up for the very small Christmas we had, so they have been planning how they will spend their money.  Of course, there choices change everyday, so who knows what they will end up buying.  I just hope whatever it is, it doesn't eat or poop.


Unknown said...

I used to LOVE tax time when the kids were little.. Since I didn't make a lot I could used the Earned Income deduction and Tax time was a fantastic time.. Paid of bills, got caught up on things and always had one indulgence. Computer, camera, etc.. these days tax time is just normal.. so now it is much milder but I still get something back and that means I still get something for me

bcmomtoo said...

I usually put as much of the tax refund as I can into the bank. I'm too cheap to spend money unless I really have to!

I like buying bras from One Hanes Place - they have good prices and are always sending me coupons for extra savings.