Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Who Would Want To Be Me?

Recently, both my Twitter and Facebook accounts were hacked.  A friend alerted me to the Twitter issue, which was great because I never go on there, so I had no idea.  Apparently I was sending spammy messages to my followers and had no clue.  When I logged in to check, there was a very nasty message from one of my followers, thanking me in some not so nice terms for my message to her.  You would think that if this person knew me at all they would know I would never do something like that.  Facebook sent me an email alerting me to the fact that someone in another country had signed into my account, so I was able to change my password quickly there.

This experience opened my eyes to how easy it is for someone to get your information.  I bank online, and I always worry that someone will try to access that information as well.  There are sites like IdentityHawk that help you protect yourself online, and I might just sign up for it.   I'm convinced, though, that anyone who tries to steal my identity will be shocked when they can't get credit in my name, and really, who would want access to the $3 I have in the bank?  But, having identity theft protection is still a really good idea.

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