Monday, January 2, 2012

A New Me For The New Year

I had not weighed myself in quite a while, and I was dreading getting on the scale.  I worked pretty hard to get this weight off, and I was a little worried that I had gained some back between Thanksgiving and New Years.  I finally decided yesterday to bite the bullet and get on the scale.  I was disappointed that I had gained weight, but only about five pounds.  Considering I have lost weight before and always gained it all back (plus some) I was happy to see it was only five pounds.

That said, I am also determined to lose the rest of this weight.  Last year, I almost hit the one hundred pound lost mark, but for the past five months or so, I haven't lost a single pound.  Since it's a new year, I finally want to get down to where I want to be.  I still have about 50 pounds to go, and I am not sure how to lose it all.  I know I have to stop eating fast food so much, but when I am on the road all day, fast food is easy to eat on the go. I also have to exercise more.  I want to try the 90 Day Review, but I'm not sure I could do it.  It looks pretty intense. I think I need to start smaller and work my way up to this.  The Extreme Body Workout looks awesome, too.  I want the body they say I could have.  I want defined muscles and to be rid of my fat rolls.  I want men to whistle when I walk by.

Okay, so I may never get to that point, but I do want to be healthier.  I want to set a better example for my kids.  Unfortunately, they are following in my footsteps with bad eating habits and not getting enough exercise.  I want my 14 year old daughter to be proud of her Beach Body.  Heck, I want to be proud of mine.  I only started wearing a bathing suit a couple of years ago.  I was always ashamed of my body, and I don't want my kids to grow up feeling that way. 

I want them to feel how I feel now.  Confident and proud of who I am, regardless of what I look like on the outside.  It took me almost 40 years to get here, though.  Hopefully it won't take them that long.

This is a guest post provided by Fitness Alliance.

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