Friday, February 24, 2012

Closets And Pillows

Last weekend, the guy I am seeing rented a hotel room for us.  We usually spend the weekend at my house, but I had the kids (my ex was being slightly hardheaded last week and didn't take the kids) so I went out for a few hours Friday night for some fun.  It had been a long time since I'd been in a hotel, and honestly, I wasn't impressed.  I don't know how people who travel for a living do it.

I assume there are things you can bring with you to make your stay more comfortable. One of the things I would bring with me for an extended stay would be some bamboo charcoal deodorizer. It naturally prevents your clothes from absorbing all the funky odors that can linger in hotel room closets.  I am thinking about getting some for Ryan's closet at home, because believe me when I say that a teenage boy's room stinks.

I am also going to make sure I bring my own pillows next time.  There is nothing worse than flay, uncomfortable pillows when you are trying to get a good nights sleep.

What things do you insist on bringing with you when you travel?

1 comment:

Ruth said...

I hear ya about the teenage boy stink...sometimes I don't know how Matt can stand it in his room, it reeks!

He's been getting better about making sure he takes a shower every day but the room still smells, I'm wondering if I need to get him a new non-smelly mattress for his bed...