Monday, February 27, 2012


Guest post of the week by Moises Henderson

We upgraded our television package at last month and have really enjoyed it. I have always wanted to add movie channels to our package, but really never looked into it because I never thought that we could afford it. I always thought that they were wildly expensive. I guess I should have just asked my sister a long time ago. I love going to her house to watch movies. She has all the good channels. I think that she was starting to catch on that I was going over there to watch movies when my husband was at work. She told me to go to the website and look into it. I was surprised when she told me that she didn’t pay that much for them. I added them to my package and it really wasn’t expensive. It definitely is worth all of the entertainment that I get out of them at night ( my husband works nights). I love to put on my pajamas, pour a nice big glass of red wine, curl up in the bed with my dog, and watch a movie before I fall asleep!

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