Sunday, March 4, 2012

Michael Masterson Is Inspiring

I love to read.  I am a big fan of fiction, but occasionally I read books about everyday life and bettering myself.  I have been hearing a lot lately about Michael Masterson, so I thought I would check him out for myself.  

He has written several books about making the most of the life you were given, from being a better person to making money.  Currently, he is retired, but his website, is still going strong.  Their mission is simply.

From their website:
"At Early to Rise we wake you up every day by giving you inspiration and practical advice on how to accomplish your goals.

Whether you want to start your own business, become CEO of the business you work for, achieve your most treasured personal goals, or increase your wealth… we will be here bright and early to help you!"

Talk about motivation!  This past year, I have faced many struggles and life changes.  If I didn't have my family and friends on my side, comforting me and cheering me on in the decisions I've made, I don't think I would have made it as far as I have come.  It's always nice to have someone rooting for you, and offering the encouragement you need.  Each daily email from EarlyToRise is composed to offer you that encouragement, and help you to reach the goals you have set for yourself. 

Michael Masterson is also the author of several books that can be found on Amazon, among other places.  I am interested in reading his book titled, Confessions of a Self-Made Millionaire.  I would love to someday bestow that title upon myself, self-made millionaire.  Yeah, that would be awesome. It would be even more awesome to live my life without worrying about money.  I wonder how that would feel?

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