Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I Need My Carpets Cleaned

Brandi has been home sick for the past couple of days.  I'm not exactly sure what is wrong with her, but she has been complaining about stomach pain, but she is not throwing up or anything.  I told her that no matter what, she needs to go to school tomorrow.

Since I can not stay home from work, Ryan and Kasi usually take turns staying home with her.  I can not wait until she is old enough to stay alone, because it's hard to convince one of the other two to stay home.  Weird, I know, because most teenagers do not want to go to school.

Kasi stayed with Brandi today, and when I came home from lunch I was a little annoyed about the condition of my house.  It wasn't dirty, but they had stuff thrown all over the floors in the living room and dining room. I asked Kasi to please clean up while I was doing my afternoon mail, and when I came home for the day, my house was clean.  Or as clean as it can be.  My carpet is in desperate need of cleaning, and while it might be cheaper to do it myself, I would rather leave it to the professionals.  In fact, I think the apartment manager may have to have it done once a year.  I'll have to check my lease.  They could hire a denver colorado carpet cleaning company to come in or something.  I don't know.  All I do know is that my carpet is stained and gross looking, which makes my house look dirty when it's really not.

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