Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Floors And Driving

We used to rent a house that had hardwood floors throughout, and honestly, I hated it.  The house was old, and the floors needed some work.  I wouldn't even walk on the floors without slippers or socks on my feet.  The floors were always cold, which felt nice in the summer, but in the winter it was horrible.

Some homes look beautiful with hardwood floors, especially when the floors are taken care of.  I bet if the owners of our rental house had some orlando hardwood floor refinishing done I wouldn't have minded them so much.  My mom has beautiful hardwood floors in her house, but I think I prefer carpet.  I like having something soft under my feet when I get out of bed in the mornings.  

Ryan used to love playing with his little cars on the hardwood floors.  He would sit at one end of the room and see how far they would go across the floor when he pushed them.  I miss the days he used to play with his cars.  He's old enough now that he wants to play with real cars.  In fact, he is on a mission to convince me to buy a new car so he can have mine for himself.  I keep telling him to get a job and buy his own car, but that has yet to happen. No one in our town is hiring right now, and I refuse to drive too far to transport him back and forth to a job after I've worked a ten hour day.  Maybe this summer he'll be able to find work close to home.

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