Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My Cleaning Weekends

I used to dread the weekends my kids would spend with their dad.  At first, I was lost without them. Fast forward a year and I look forward to my weekends alone.  Before I was driving, my kids didn't really do much because it was hard to make plans when I never knew if Bob would be home or not. Now that I am in charge of their schedules, I find myself running around all the time.  Almost everyday after work I am either picking kids up somewhere or taking them somewhere.  I feel like I am always on the go, and I now look forward to the weekends when their dad is in charge of those things.  It's nice having two days every two weeks to just relax and spend time alone. 

Unfortunately, that time is usually spent cleaning my house.  I don't mind doing the dishes and the laundry, but I absolutely hate cleaning the bathrooms.  Especially the kid's bathroom.  The cat box is in there, and though it is their responsibility to keep it clean, they never do.  Their tub gets really bad, and there are some days I feel like calling in a salt lake city commercial tile cleaning crew to come in and clean it for me. It usually takes me a good fifteen minutes to get it clean, and trust me when I say I work up quite a sweat in the process.

The kids and I are working on "cleaning as you go", and I'm hoping that this will help cut down on my weekend cleaning. So far, it hasn't. But I have hope. 

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