Sunday, March 25, 2012


I drive all day, every day.  Being on the road can get boring sometimes, especially when I am in a blah mood.  It's days like those when I really notice the things around me.  For instance, when I am on back roads instead of the highway, I get to see how people decorate their yards, and honestly, some people are a little weird.

I love the yards that are beautifully landscaped with flowers and green grass.  In fact, one of my favorite smells in the entire world is fresh cut grass.   Just the other day, almost every business I visited had a landscaping crew cutting their grass, and it smelled so good. 

There is this one yard I pass frequently that is set up almost like a shire to cement.  They have statues of animals and people and all kinds of things.  Of course they have an elephant or two, which you all know are my favorite animal.  They also have these warrior type statues, which honestly look a little freaky to me.  If you want to see what I am talking about, check out  I would rather have cute animals than scary looking warriors in my yard, but that's just me.

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