Sunday, March 25, 2012


I have been in a cleaning mood for the past couple of days.  I think it's because Kasi and I have been watching Hoarders, and some of those houses, well, all of those houses, are completely disgusting.  It's made me want to sanitize my house from one end to the other.

Last night I decided to tackle my desk, and I was surprised at all the papers I have in there that are pretty important.  I started thinking that I should buy one of those fireproof safes to keep it all in, because God forbid something were to happen to our home, I would need those papers.  I pray that I am never the victim of a house fire, but it's better to be prepared for anything, right?

I found this safe on SafesAtoZ, and it is perfect for my needs.  I don't have any valuables, to put in a safe, just papers.  You know, things like birth certificates and tax papers.  I like how this particular safe is like a filing cabinet, so I can keep my papers organized as well as safe.

When we moved to this apartment last year, I got rid of a lot of stuff and I have been trying really hard to keep this place organized.  It's been difficult to get the kids on board with the whole organized thing, because they have a tendency to drop their stuff on the floor as soon as they walk in the door.  I am trying to get them used to bringing their stuff to their own rooms as soon as it comes in the house and throwing away things they no longer want or need, but it's a work in progress.  Hopefully, they will get it soon, because I do not want to find myself on an episode of Hoarders.

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