Monday, April 9, 2012

Fighting Hunger Together!

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of The Walmart Foundation for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Last week, I got a phone call from my ex asking if I could help a friend of his who did not know how she was going to feed herself and her daughter for the rest of the month.  She had visited two different food banks that morning, and neither one had any food to give her.  My kids and I have enough food to last for at least a month, so I did not hesitate one bit.  That day, when I got home from work, I raided my freezer and pantry, filled a laundry basket with food and delivered it to this woman. 

She is just one of more than 50 million Americans who do not know where their next meal will come from.  I had no idea that Springtime brings with it a decrease in donations to food banks.  Wallmart is helping to make a difference by working with Feeding America and four of the most recognizable food brands in America- ConAgra, General Mills, Kraft and Kellogg's - in a nationwide Fighting Hunger Together initiative from Monday, April 9 through April 30. Walmart will be hosting a Facebook campaign where fans can rally support for communities in need of hunger relief, and they will donate a total of $2 million to the 21 communities receiving the most support: $1 million to the winner and $50,000 each to the 20 runners-up. Winning communities will be announced May 1st.

Inbox (16 messages, 1 unread).jpg

I checked out the list of communities (there are 200!) and was kind of surprised to see where I live on there. In my state, the Myrtle Beach - North Myrtle Beach - Conway SC Metropolitan Statistical area has the highest  unemployment rate, at 11.9%. However, I will be voting for the county that I live in, which is the Spartanburg SC Metropolitan Statistical Area, which has an unemployment rate of 11.4%.

Make sure you check out the list to see if your community is on there, and then let everyone you know about this Facebook campaign.  We can all Vote to fight spring hunger with Walmart and make a difference in our own communities. And the next time you are in Walmart, you can purchase select products from ConAgra, General Mills, Kraft and Kellogg's, and donate meals to Feeding America or Action for Healthy Kids, a nonprofit fighting childhood hunger.  (be sure to check in-store for more details)

I don't ever want to know what it feels like to worry about feeding my family.  Together we can help take that worry away from those who do.

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1 comment:

LJP said...

I'm so glad you helped out where many others wouldn't. This is the kind of world we can hope for, a world where people help other people without judgement and without need for reciprocation.