Thursday, May 10, 2012

Home Schooling Is Not For Me

Every now and then, Brandi asks me to home school her.  She loves school, but she is at that age where all the girls in her class can not get along, and she is always asked to take sides when her friends fight.  It drives her crazy, because she has such a tender heart and doesn't want to have anyone mad at her.  She has one friend in particular who is especially mean to her, yet she forgives her time and time again.  I hate that she is going through this, but I guess it's all part of growing up.

I would love to home school her, and I know there are many resources out there available for parents who do. From Kindergarten Printables to high school classes that are available online for free, she wouldn't be lacking in information.  The only thing lacking is the time it would take for me to actually home school her, and the patience I would need.  I love her, don;t get me wrong, but I'm not sure I could handle having to be responsible for her education.

So, I simply tell her to be sweet, and when her friends fight, she needs to stay out of it.  I tell her to be careful about what she says, because words are hard to take back, and I make sure she knows to treat other people the way she would want to be treated.  What else can I do?

1 comment:

Ruth said...

I know what you mean! I was thinking about homeschooling Matt a few years ago, but the more I researched the more overwhelming the idea became.