Sunday, May 6, 2012

My Tips For Saving Money

I am not a great coupon user.  Honestly, whenever I try to clip coupons, I find myself spending more money than I normally would.  I think it's because I feel like if I have a coupon for something, I must use it, even if it is on a product I wouldn't normally buy.  For instance, I don't usually buy candy, but if I have a coupon, I will buy it simply because it is for a great price.  Not only do I end up spending more money, it's money spent on something I not only don't normally buy, but something I don't need.

So, I am going to share with you some of the ways I save money, without using coupons.

Know The Prices Of The Things You Buy Most

This is a big one for me.  I do a big grocery shopping trip once a month, and then stop in again for things like milk and bread when we run out.  I do make a list ahead of time for the things we have run out of, like sugar and cereal, but when it comes to specifics like meal planning, I wait to see what is on sale.  I have gotten really good at knowing the prices of the things I buy regularly, which makes it easy for me to determine if a sale at one store is cheaper then buying the same thing at a different store.

Buy What Is On Sale

I love BOGO's.  I have been known to have twenty boxes of Mac & Cheese in my pantry at one time, simply because I found a great sale.  Stocking up on things that don't go bad when they are on sale is a great idea, especially when you can find several different ways to use them.  For instance, most people think of Mac & Cheese as a side dish, but if you get creative, you can use it in casseroles too, making it part of the main dish, too.

Only Buy Marked Down Meat

This one is a must for me, especially when it comes to chicken.  We only eat boneless, skinless breasts, so when I find it on sale, I have been known to buy every package in the display case.  Just last month, I bought 24 packs of chicken strips in one trip.  I have many different recipes, which helps us not tire of eating chicken every night. I find that stores usually mark down their meat a day or two before the "sell by" date, and some stores will even let you know what time of day they do it so you can plan your shopping trip accordingly. Buying meat that is marked down is fine as long as you use it that day, or freeze it.

Look For Meal Deals

I have a store right around the corner from my house that offers different "meal deals" every week.  Most times, you simply buy one main ingredient (which is usually a frozen entree of some sort, like pizza, pasta, or chicken) and get three or four side items for free.  Most of the time, the free itmes total more than the main ingredient costs, so it is a great buy.

Avoid Impulse Buys (aka: SAY NO TO THE KIDS!)

This is a hard one for me, but I try really hard to stick to it.  I try to never shop hungry, because when I do, the cart usually ends up full of things I wouldn't normally buy.  And when the kids come shopping, I find myself saying "no" a lot, which is hard to do, but necessary.  Otherwise, we would end up eating chips and ice cream for supper every night.

Try The Store Brands At Least Once

That one is pretty self explanatory.  Most store brands are just as good as the name brands, so give them a try.  They cost less, which can add up to big savings.

I don't have many tips for buying non-food items, because honestly, I am loyal to certain brands that I know work for me.  For instance, hanes makes great products when it comes to underwear for the kids, and I have specific shampoo, conditioner, and tampons that I use, even though they are a bit more expensive than the store brands. 

So those are just a few of my tips for saving money.  Fell free to share yours with me in the comments!


DaraR said...

My kids are my world too!
These are great tips. And listen the truth of the matter is being happy! We all know that=)) I enjoyed your article though... its very straight to the point and actual things we can save on. So I would love your advice on this. I am switching my family over from our contracted phones of yes.. 350 DOLLARS A MONTH over to a prepaid company named Tracfone. A neighbor of mine rants and raves about her savings and how she has perfect service and yadda yadda yadda. Basically we are making the switch because we can still have smart phones but it will cost us for all of 4 110 dollars. Thats like just as many minutes and texting we had before. Hav eyou heard of anyone doing this to success?

jenn said...

I have straight talk phones for me and my's less than $200 a month for unlimited everything (talk, text, and web) and I have a smart phone. I have never had an issue with them, and I NEVER drop calls. I would recommend them to anyone!