Saturday, October 13, 2012


I was talking with a friend of mine the other day about being pregnant.  We are both at the point in our lives where having more kids is not an option.  We are both single parents, and struggling to raise our kids on our own.

I know the last thing I need is starting over with a baby, since my kids are old enough to be pretty self sufficient.  I also gave away all of my baby things and maternity wear years ago, so having to buy all that stuff again would send me into a panic.  I can barely afford to feed the kids I have, since my teenagers seem to be eating machines these days, and having to do the formula thing again would put me over the edge.

I am content to wait until my kids are old enough (and married) to have kids of their own.  At that point, I can love those babies all I want, and not have to raise them.  I just get to spoil them!

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