Wednesday, May 9, 2007

I Must Be Crazy

I think I have lost my mind. Ten girls have RSVP that they are coming to Kasi's party. Junior came up with the idea of serving finger sandwiches. I asked Kasi what she thought, and she said that's great with her as long as I make chicken salad. I do make a good chicken salad. So we'll have that, egg salad, turkey, and ham. I told her I would make her any kind of cake she wanted and she chose chocolate with white frosting. Lots of sprinkles on top. I was hoping she would pick something a little more creative, but at least it will be quick and easy to make. For her party on Saturday I am serving hot dogs with the fixins'. I found some hot dogs that are only one point each. Since me, mom, and Colleen are all doing WW, I thought I would serve some veggies on the side. When Dad and Elaine come on Monday, which is Kasi's actual birthday, she wants tacos. That should be easy enough. I invited mom to spend Mother's Day with us on Sunday, so I won't get a break until Tuesday. I'm sure by then I will be ready to crash!I said before I had no energy to clean my house today. Good thing I have a daughter. Kasi brought home some papers for me to sign today, and while looking through them, I saw one of her study guides. It was supposed to be initialed by me each night a few weeks ago. I've never seen these papers, yet they had my initials on each question. Needless to say, I was very upset with my child. So as punishment, she had to clean up around the house. I told her she was lucky I didn't cancel her party. I am very sad to see Lakisha go. I am happy Blake is still in it, but I now think Jordin will win. It really sucks that all the reality shows are ending in the next week or two. I can't believe Survivor ends on Sunday. It should be interesting to see who wins. I'm tired. I should be going to bed. I need to return an email, then I'm hitting the hay. Until tomorrow....

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