Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Remember When

Last week, Tami told me that she ran into the husband of an old friend of ours. In the course of their conversation, she discovered that the parents of some of my good friends from years ago had passed away. Being ever so diligent, I searched the internet for their address to offer my condolences. I was pleasantly surprised to get an email from one of them today. It has been years since I have heard from them and it was great to do a little catch up. I hope to stay in touch this time!For any of you who watched AI, it sucked tonight! I told Tami this afternoon (or was it Colleen?) that Blake needed to just sing tonight. Was I right or what. He totally ruined those songs, if that is even possible, cause the songs sucked in general. The only song I liked was Jordin's first song. It should be interesting to see who goes home tomorrow.As for my day, I finished the layette for Kasi's teacher. I think I set a speed record. It came out really pretty. I used pink ribbon and buttons this time, but I didn't do the matching blanket. I'm not that good. Besides, I made her one when she found out she was having a girl. I can't believe the kids only have 2 weeks of school left. I need to get the pool set up. We'll all go crazy if we don't. Kasi had 7 girls call to say they are coming to her party Friday night. Junior is very glad I picked a night he will be at work. Ryan is going to spend the night at my mom's, so it's just gonna be me and a bunch of girls. Fun. I hope I make it through the night in one piece!I guess that's about it. Until tomorrow...

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