Wednesday, May 9, 2007

In The Past

I went to bed last night thinking about the past. I remember a lot of good times, and I also remember things I now regret. It's funny how things that seemed so important then mean so little now. My fondest memories are of the church I used to go to. My best friend was a boy who also attended the church. His parents and my Grandparents were friends. I remember sleeping over his house. Imagine that nowadays. I kinda miss the innocence of it all. I miss having a group of friends. I regret how I focused only on my relationship with my then boyfriend and let my friends slip away. It has been hard for me to develop those kinds of friendships down south. I think loyalty and honesty are key things to a friendship, and have been unable to find true friends because of it. I am shy, and it is not easy for me to meet people. I have been used, lied to, and taken advantage of, and that is not a good feeling. Wow, what a little pity party I am having for myself. I need to move on!I can not get motivated to clean my house this week. The bad thing is that Kasi's party is in 2 days and I have so much that needs to get done. I just don't feel like doing any of it. I think my body is shutting down due to the lack of chocolate. They should add that to the list of things a body needs to survive-bread, water, and chocolate. Wouldn't that be lovely?!Nicole's Grandmother did go home yesterday. Thanks again to all who prayed for her.That's it for now. Later!

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