Thursday, May 10, 2007

Time To Kill

I still feel like crap. I don't want to lay down, cause I'm afraid I'll fall asleep and miss ER. I haven't missed an episode yet, and I won't let tonight be the first. I haven't thrown up in a while, so hopefully I'm over that. Kasi is disappointed that we postponed her parties, but I promised to make it better next week. My mom refuses to come on Sat. cause she doesn't want to get sick, and I don't want to get Carson sick, so I postponed that party as well. My only dilema (is that right?) with next week is that we were planning our yard sale for Sat. I guess I'll have to set things up and leave Junior out there while I feed all the girls breakfast. I think there will be closer to 15 girls coming next week. I must REALLY be insane! I am excited about Mother's Day. I wasn't in the beginning of the week, but the kids have been sneaking things into the house that they've made in school. I LOVE the homemade stuff. It comes straight from their little hearts.Okay Survivor Fans. I was soooooo happy that Yau-Man played his idol tonight. If Stacy had kept her mouth shut during tribal, he may not have. But saying that the vote was going to be divided was stupid on her part. She basically told Yau they were voting for him. I really hope he wins. We'll see on Sunday. They were showing previews for the new pirate show that looked pretty interesting. At least it will be something to watch during the summer. The Next Food Network Star search starts in June and I am looking forward to that too. I had no trouble with the WW today. I think I used 2 points on the piece of toast I ate about an hour ago. I am starving but afraid to eat. Junior is having a rough time this week. He is such a junk food addict, as am I. Only difference is that he is giving in to the cravings EVERY day. Tami says that is okay as long as he counts his points. I say eventually he will need to give some things up. I guess time will tell. I've got about 30 minutes until ER starts and I think I might hop in the shower. Maybe the steam will help me feel better. Until tomorrow.....

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