Thursday, May 10, 2007

What A Horrible, Horrible Day

I am not feeling very well today. I have been fighting it all morning, but now I feel like if I just go throw up I will feel better. I hope I don't have a virus. I would hate to have to cancel Kasi's parties this weekend. And it figures that I have left all my house cleaning until the last minute. At least my toilet is clean. I can't stand to throw up in a dirty toilet. I'm crazy, I know.I want to clear up something that I said yesterday. I have a wonderful friend, who just so happens to be my sister-in-law, Anita. I think my family is the best, and she is a part of my family. I never meant to imply that all southeners are unfriendly. In fact, in general, they are the friendliest people I have ever met. I just haven't had the best of luck with the ones I choose to be friends with. I am a very generous and caring person, if I do say so myself, and I am very loyal. The few people I have gotten close to, screwed me in the end. That's all I'm saying. Anyway, I love Anita's generousity and spirit. She has always been there when I've needed her, whether it be physically or emotionally. I mean, she's married to a Wylie. She knows how rough that is.(ha-ha) I couldn't ask for a better friend. Hugs to you, girl!

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