Friday, May 18, 2007

So Far So Good

I have found a moment to sit down and relax before the party begins. The girls should start arriving around 6, but I still have so much to do. I haven't prepared the sandwiches yet, or sliced the tomatoes, or set up the cupcake tower. All things that need to be done closer to party time. There won't be as many girls this week, but I believe that is a blessing in disguise. Less fighting, more happiness. Or at least that is what I am hoping! I bought some new bowls and platters in bright Spring colors. They are really pretty and I found them really cheap. I know they will come in handy for other occasions as well. Although I made pinatas for Ryan and Brandi's birthdays, I didn't do one for Kasi. I probably should have, but I didn't think of it until it was too late. The stupid things take like a week to fully dry inside. I don't think she'll even miss it. I have ice cream and goodie bags and chips and stuff, so there will be enough junk to keep them happy. I'll be sure to post pictures some time this weekend, if I find a moment to spare. Maybe Sunday.I put up the signs for the yard sale tomorrow. I have a ton of stuff to put out. My goal is price it cheap so it goes quickly! All my yard sale buddies ditched me, so I will be doing it myself. I don't think it's gonna be that hot either. Comfortable would be great! Grumpy asked Junior this afternoon if he wanted to go to Wateree in the morning to fish. He always asks when he knows Junior has other plans. He expects him to drop everything and go. Most times I don't mind, but tomorrow I need his help with the yard sale, at least until all the girls have been picked up. I suggested they leave around 10, but Grumpy said that was too late. Oh well. What are ya gonna do?As you go to bed tonight, say a prayer for me that I will keep my sanity and not kill all the little darlings before morning! And if you can, ask God to make all the girls sleepy around midnight! I could use the sleep!

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