Tuesday, June 26, 2007

A Day Without Rain Is Like A Day Without

well, rain. And today was a day without rain. Finally. I got home around 7:30, and me and the kids got in the pool. Played around for a little while. I needed it today. I worked from 9 til 6:30 by myself. We took in close to $200, which isn't bad for a Tuesday. Last Tuesday we didn't have any customers, and we closed after 3 hours. Better and better every day. Tomorrow I need to be there by 11, but I will probably go in early. Junior has some things to do for Del in the morning and doesn't want to make two trips. Mom and Colleen said they would stop by. I'm excited to see Carson. Colleen said he's crawling! I can't believe it! He's getting too big too fast. Time for another one Colleen!I finished "The Good Guy" yesterday. It was really good. Dean Koontz used to write off the wall, Stephen King type stuff. This book was totally realistic. I guess that's why it was so easy to read. I started "Cross" by James Patterson this morning and am almost done with it already. He is so easy to read. Plus it's a good story. The last book I have is "Lisey's Story" by Stephen King. I need to get online and order more books before I have nothing to read.I guess I'll get off of here. I want to go watch a movie before bed. Hopefully I can find something good. Until tomorrow....

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