Sunday, June 24, 2007

One Fish, Two Fish...

We are having severe thunderstorms right now, and this is the third time I am trying to write. The power keeps flickering, and I keep loosing what I've written. If it happens again, I'll quit trying. You won't know that because this will all be gone, but I'm sure I'll be complaining about it tomorrow.Anyway, today we went on our weekly fishing trip. The funniest thing happened, and I was without my camera. Figures.For those of you who don't fish, everyone who does is after "THE BIG ONE". To catch the big one, you need to fish on the bottom of the lake, and not use a bobber. It's all about watching your rod, and feeling the fish. So I'm bottom fishing, and every time I cast out, BAM, I get a hit. I just couldn't hook the fish. Believe me when I say I tried really hard. I ended up extremely frustrated and stopped fishing. I was just sitting there, listening to my ipod, minding my own business. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Junior messing with my rod. He hands it back to me and it has two hooks on it. They are sharing one worm. He said I might catch one by doubling my chances. He thought he was being pretty funny. So I cast out. As soon as the worm hits the water, I get hit. I jerk the rod. Yes, I finally hooked a fish! I start to reel in. My line goes left, then right, then left again. I'm yelling, I finally got the big one! I finally get my line to shore. It's not a big one. It was two little ones. I had hooked a fish on each hook! Neither one was bigger than my palm, but fighting me and each other made them feel huge. I guess I didn't set the big fish record, but I'm sure there aren't many people who can catch two fish at one time!As for the rest of my day, I started cutting my grass. I didn't finish. Grumpy called and said his grass needed to be cut, so off we went, figuring two mowers would get it done faster. We still didn't get home til 3, then the kids swam for an hour. I did to. A little after 4 the storms started. The first passed so we went fishing. On the way home around 9, another storm started. Our power flicked a bunch of times. and poor Brandi was convinced she was going to die. But we survived.I need to be at work around 8 in the morning, so I guess I should go get some things together. I'll be back tomorrow, God willing.

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