Sunday, June 24, 2007


Good Morning. I wanted to sleep in this morning, but I was up before 7. I've already finished cleaning the kitchen, and am about to go mow the grass. I realized a few things yesterday. First, I remembered what it's like to be on my feet for 10 hours. I have not worked in guite a few years, and I feel like my legs are rubber this morning. Second, when I commited to Del, I did not realize that he wanted me to work from 8am to 7pm every day. Except Sunday, of course. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind. I like being up there. It's tough on the kids. They get bored. I'm hoping we can get a little TV/VCR combo unit cheap enough on Friday when Junior gets paid. At least then they would be able to watch movies. Third, I will not be able to take the week off when Junior is on vacation. We weren't going to do anything spectacular anyway, and it's basically just to get Junior away from all the stress, at least temporarily. Jean said she spoke to her boss, and for Junior to go put in an application at Adidas, working 3rd shift. Depending on the type of work (Junior can't do HEAVY manual labor with his back) he might be switching jobs again. Which will send me into an absolute panic. Even though, somehow, things usually work out for us. It's still change, and I don't deal well with that. Anyway......I guess I'm headed outside. There is tons of yard work that needs to be done, including a shelter we're gonna build. We have all the material, it's just a matter of finding the time to do it. If we get it done today, I'll add pictures. Have a wonderful day!!!!!

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