Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Itchy, Itchy, Itchy

woke this morning around 5:15. Itchy. My poison oak is clearing up, but now I have a rash all over my stomach and chest. I think I might be having a reaction to the algecide I put in the pool. I didn't exactly wait the recommended amout of time atfer adding it before getting in the pool. I got in, then added it, then vacuumed it, then swam. I know, not so smart. I'm paying for it today. I spoke to Nicole last night. She got a new job at SmileMakers. Hearing about it, I am thankful for my job. Del was talking yesterday about the fact that he has 90 days to install a public restroom. Yeah! He said it might be just a port-a-potty at first, but who cares. Anything is better than walking to the store. Oh well, I guess I better get in the shower. Lots to do today! Have a wonderful day!!

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