Saturday, June 30, 2007

Massacre Complete

It was a sad, sad day. Hundreds perished. They tried to run. They died mid stride. Some escaped. I knew going in there would be survivors. Yes, I'm talking about the ants. When I got home there were tons of them. But no more. Hopefully they are gone for good.Del did not do good today. We were so slow. Last Saturday, he did over $350. Today, less then $225. Yesterday we did $340, so I don't know what's going on. I was falling asleep in my chair cause I was there alone. I was sooo bored. I tried reading the new Stephen King, but I'm having a hard time getting into it. I also ordered it large print by accident, and it bothers my eyes. I ended up walking to the store to buy a puzzle book. Junior was off with his Dad, and ended up hurting his back. He's all doped up on lortab. He needs the sleep, too.Speaking of his Dad, Grumpy has been hanging out at the stand. Even when Junior isn't there. It drives me nuts! But at least it gives him something to do.I have So much to do in the morning. I have worked every day this week and I have neglected the house. Hopefully I'll get the grass cut. It needs it. I need to do laundry and dust and all that good stuff. I want desperately to sleep in. We were going to go fishing tomorrow, but with his back hurting and the fact we don't have our new lisences yet, we're not going. The kids are dissappointed, but Junior is on vacation soon, so we'll make it up to them.I guess I'm gonna get off this thing. I'll write more soon!

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