Sunday, July 1, 2007

The Great Ant Invasion - Part 2

I can not believe this! I woke up this morning, not an ant in sight. I mowed the grass, cleaned the house, did some laundry and then swam. When Junior and Ryan got home, (they were with Grumpy) we went to Wal-Mart. I decided that I'm making lunch all this week, so I bought some ciabbata bread. Yummy! I keep my bread in the cabinet with my dishes. I grilled burgers and corn on the cab, we ate, I sat down at the computer to check things out. Terra, how cute is Tristin-Grace in oigtails? Anyway, as I'm reading, Ryan says there are ants in my bread. I think he's kidding. Nope. The survivors from yesterday were back with reinforcements. Luckily, while at WM I bought ant traps. So Junior put some out. They better be dead and gone by morning. I now have to wash every dish and coffee mug in that cabinet. What a pain in the behind!We went to the river this afternoon to see how it looks. They now offer tubing. It takes 5 1/2 to 6 hours to ride the river, and it sounds like fun. $12 a person. That's not too bad. We might look into doing it while Tami is here.I have no idea if or what time I am working tomorrow. I haven't heard from Del all day. I guess I'll call when I get up in the morning. I think he is getting a little discouraged. I'm not sure what he's gonna do.I guess that's it. I'll see ya all tomorrow!

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