Friday, June 15, 2007

Rain, Rain, Go Away

What a yucky day! Junior has been running the stand this morning, and Del called and told him to close up. He hardly had any customers. I guess this means I get the day off! Yeah for me! I'll have to go super early in the morning tomorrow to make up for it.I finally remembered to print up the list of supplies the kids need for school next year. Jean has been asking for it. It's crazy the amount of things they need. I hope I don't go broke buying it all! Ryan and Kasi will both change claases, so they have different things they need for each teacher. What happened to soap and water? I remember a time when we WASHED our hands at school. Germs will not kill a kid! They need some to build up their immunities. I think it's crazy that I have to send copy paper and hand sanitizer and paper towels and baggies and construction paper and tissues and baby wipes. It's insane! Don't get me wrong, I don't think the teachers should pay for this stuff. But what happened to the school district supplying things like paper towels and tissues? And lets talk about specifics. Why can't the kids just bring notebooks? Each teacher has a specific binder, either 1/2, 1, 2, or 3 inch. And folders with pockets, without pockets, with brads, without them. I dread the day I go to wal-mart with a million other parents trying to find a specific color folder, because Kasi needs five folders with pockets in five specific colors. It drives me nuts just thinkning about it! Okay, I'm done venting. I'll save my opinion about book bags for another day!I finished the book I've been reading. It was pretty good. I woke up this morning around 3:30, and couldn't fall back to sleep, so I stayed up and finished the book. I layed back down around 5, but I'm still dragging today. My back hurts a little too. Maybe it's a good thing I don't have to work today. I could use a "lazy day"! There are actually a few movies I've been wanted to watch on demand. I'm gonna run to wal-mart and then come home and veg out. There's nothing better to do on a rainy afternoon!

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