Monday, June 30, 2008

Good To Go

I had all my pre-op stuff today, and I survived! lol! They took 4 things of blood, dad an EKG, explained everything, and asked a million questions. The one question that struck me funny was when she asked me if I use street drugs. I told her yeah, all the time! I mean, do people really fess up to that? I have to be at the hospital by 1 pm on monday. No food after midnight, clear drinks from midnight to 8:30 am. They gave me special soap to wash with the night before, and the morning of my surgery. It's supposed to help fight off infection. I am making myself crazy worrying. I know it's routine surgery, but I've never been under before, so that's kinda scary.So, for the rest of the week, I'm going to try and post happy things!!!!

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