Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy

I promised to post happy things, and then didn't post yesterday! That's pretty funny! I was actually killing time playing mindless computer games. Yes, that is code for spending all day in bubble town. Somehow kelly came out of nowhere and kicked my (and everyone else's) ass. At least now I have a goal for when I'm re-couping. lol!Yesterday I also started some new signs. Hubby finally got me some new bits. I put one in, but unfortunately I didn't tighten it good enough, and the darn thing came flying out the end, while my rotozip was on, and cut the palm of my hand. I'm really lucky it didn't get my face or eyes. When he got home from work yesterday he fixed it, so maybe toady I will finish what I started yesterday.We're going to my moms for supper tonight. Tomorrow the kids have dentist appointments. That leaves friday, saturday, and sunday for me to clean my house. Then monday it's off to have my boobs done!Enjoy your wednesday!

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