Saturday, July 26, 2008

My New Public Home

So, here's the new blog! I'm not using it yet. I want to transfer everything over, then I will.

I don't want hubby's family to find me, so I will use "the mom" as my id for a while. It's ridiculous that I can't be myself, but it will all work out for the best in the end!


Unknown said...

I love the look great template love, looks fabulous.

Crystal said...

DAMN GIRL!!! Love the new blog look!!! I wont add this one, just save it to my favorites, ya know, so no damn peepin toms come a lookin;o) Hope your doing well. I saw that you had a post on the other blog that i'm fixing to go read!

Donna said...

WhooHoo!! Beautiful in here!!! I" just save it to my favorites as well! And yes it Is a shame you can't be "you", but that's'll all work out!!! Love You Sugar!!! Don't you do too much work!!!hughugs

Forgetfulone said...

I love the look! Awesome job!

janna said...

I understand!!! But thanks for adding me to your other one.

Christine said...

What a pretty, homey design...ditto what everyone else says; the new look is fab!

The nice thing about taking a few cautionary measures is that you CAN be yourself; you just don't share what WE already know!

Can't wait til you get settled. It's soon soon!

Vixen of said...

The new place looks beautiful. New online digs and real life digs! You are on a roll.

Mom Knows Everything said...

It's so pretty! I added you to my reader. :o)

Michelle said...

Love your new template Jenn...Good luck with everything....

Jennifer said...

hi there love.

sorry I have been MIA. And now i hope it isn't too long till you are able to come check your comments. i'm not sure if you have internet or not... but I'm going to go feed these kids some breakfast and do some laundry and dishes then be back to catch up. :)

I have missed you and hope that all is going well with the move and your family and YOUR healing.

I love the new blog look... but you must be really busy doing all this... I couldn't imagine. ugh. I'd go crazy. lol

anyway... I'm going to actually get up and do some things... talk to you in a bit.
