Monday, August 25, 2008

I Stole Tammy's Stolen Meme!

How many people live in your house? 5 ~ me, hubby, ryan, kasi, and brandi

Do you like your siblings? sure do...most of the time! lol!

What color are your nails? the color they are supposed to be...I hate polish on my fingers, but my toenails are purple

What’s your favorite place on earth? anywhere my family is

Ever punch someone in the face? in my mind, absolutely, a million times! in reality, not so much

Did you have a dream last night? not that I remember

Where is your top from? not wearing a top...okay, get your mind out of the gutter...I'm wearing my nightgown!

Are you mad at someone? mad, no, but I am frustrated with certain members of hubby's family

Where’s your best friend? in texas, in canada, in arazona, in new york, and of course, right here in sc

Last place you bought something from? wal-mart...kasi's bookbag had 3 holes in it after 2 days of school, so we had to return it and get her another one

Last person you were in a car with? the family

What bank do you use? umm....

Do you like being in photos? I didn't used to, but might be more open to it these days

Who’s your last missed call from? hubby

Ever broken something at someone else’s house? yes, when I was nine months pregnant with brandi, I broke my mom's toilet seat (STOP laughing!!!)

Are you a good driver? sure...hehehehehe....

What's on your mind right now? that I need to get up at 5:30 am...yuck!

When is your birthday? february

What kind of mobile phone do you have? samsung

How old will you be in 5 years? 5 years older than I am now

Are you a movie buff? yes...and I will watch movies I like over and over until I know all the words

If you could move tomorrow, would you? we all know I just did this, and would hate to have to ever do it again!

Do you like the weather today? don't know...I didn't go outside at all!

Do you like the outdoors or indoors better? indoors...climate control!

How tall are you? 5 foot nothing! lol!

If you had to choose an age to remain for the rest of your life what would it be? I honestly have no answer for that!

What’s something in your past you wish you could relive? ryan's birth...I was so drugged and tired, I don't remember it at all.

What is your favorite thing to do on the weekends? sleeping later than 5:30!

Favorite nearby vacation destination? we love to camp and go fishing

How’s the weather? hot.

Does anything on your body hurt? my boobs did yesterday, but they feel better today.

What was the last television show you watched? um...I have no tv right now, so I just watch movies all day.

Do you prefer orange or cherry ice-pops? cherry...I don't like orange anything

Do you like pickles? absolutely...all kinds

Does your hair still smell like shampoo? yup

What’s plugged in in the nearest socket? computer and phone charger

What was the last thing you wrote by hand? I just signed kasi's agenda for school tomorrow

What’s your favorite tv advert? I haven't watched tv in a while....

Do you pay attention to celebrity gossip? my guilty pleasure is stalking celebrity baby sites

Have you sung out loud today? YES! The kids were outside playing, and I put in the new sugarland cd and sang every song!

Do you wish it was 4 years into the future, or 4 years back? I'm happy right here.

Can you touch your nose with your foot? not for YEARS!

Do you prefer paper towels, or napkins? for meals, napkins...for cleaning, paper towels

Are you currently texting anyone? no

What was the last movie you watched? men in black 2

Whom did you last high-five? maybe carson????

Describe your best friend in 3 words. beautiful, inside and out. (okay, so that was 4...shoot me!)

Do you watch the Olympics? just the parts I like

Can you dance? NO!!!!

Do you keep the oil changed in your car? isn't that a necessity?

Have you ever been hunting? with a gun, no. with a fishing pole, yup!

Do you like taking pictures? have you seen my blog????

What about making scrapbooks? I am not creative enough for that

Are you a sushi lover? Ewwwww! (I agree with tammy...ewwwwww!!!!)

What is your favorite restaurant of all time? friendly's, even though they don't have them here

Does it annoy you when people drive slow in the fast lane? yes

What do your parents do for a living? my mom is a nurse, and my dad is retired

Are there any famous people you’d like to meet? keith urban, sugarland

Do you get tired of hearing about celebrity divorces? yes.

What are your plans for the weekend? hubby is actually off next weekend, so hopefully we will get some fishing in

How often do you tan? I hate the sun, unless I'm in a pool

Are your nails always manicured? no

Could you ever go without eating meat? probably not...I like chicken too much.

Where is your favorite place to buy groceries? anywhere that's running a great sale

When was the last time you took a bubble bath? I can't keep bubble bath in the house, because brandi will want to use it and she is prone to bladder infections

Do have good sense of style? absolutely not

If you could have any car, what would it be? a limo, with a driver to take me wherever I want to go

Do you like fast food? who doesn't?????

Have you ever cut someone up while driving? I would have to drive to be able to do that.

Do you like to receive compliments or give them? give...I am horrible at accepting compliments

Have you ever been to a casino? no

What do you do to relax? hot bath + good book = relaxed jenn

Do you like kids? I love, love, LOVE kids!

Does family mean a lot to you? family means everything to me!

Are you going to the beach anytime soon? no, can't afford it this year

What is your favorite perfume? I don't like perfume, at all

What is your favorite men’s cologne? don't like that either

What is your favorite type of dog? one that belongs to someone else, although carrie's breigh is adorable!

If you had to move to a different country, which one would you choose? I would stay right where I am!

Do you like to color in coloring books? yup, it's kinda therapeutic

Do you think you would have been a hippie in the 60s and 70s? no, I'm too much of a control freak

Would you rather be cold or hot? I chose comfortable! lol!

What is the one website, other than MySpace, that you visit most? facebook, just like tammy, although I am liking myspace...shhh...don't tell!

Incense or candles? candles, as long as they aren't flowery smells. I prefer vanilla or cinnamon

What brand of cosmetics do you use the most often? I don't wear makeup...I'm naturally beautiful

What is the one tv advert that annoys you the most? I can't think of one right now

Are you an early bird or a night owl? depends on my mood!

Would you rather be smart or beautiful? I'm already smart AND beautiful, so why choose

What is your favorite reality show? Survivor

What ringtone is on your phone? a regular one

What would you tell a 3-year-old that asks where babies come from? mommy's tummy, and then change the subject

What is your favorite type of cereal? cheerios with bananas

Are you double jointed? nope

What videos do you search for on YouTube? I don't go on you tube

Have you ever given money to a homeless person? yes, years ago in NYC. I wouldn't now that I know better. I know that sounds bad, but MOST "homeless" people are just begging for money for drugs or booze.

Have you ever had to go to A & E? I have no idea what that is!

Who is your favorite comedian? I like a lot of CLEAN comedians

Name some foods you will not eat: I am a very picky eater, so that would be a long list!

Do you have any irrational fears? yes.

Do you snoop in other people’s medicine cabinets? nope, too scared I'd get caught!

How much would you pay in ransom if someone stole your pet? I am broke, so they would just have to steal some one else's pet! lol!

Have you ever eaten green eggs and ham? no, but the kids have in school

Ever had surgery? 3 c-sections and my recent boob job!

Ever walked through a fast food restaurant drive thru? as a teenager we tried, but it didn't work because we weren't heavy enough to trigger the sensor!


Carrie said...

I will have to steal this one from you would just be fitting lol

Rebecca said...

Haha - sorry but I'm still laughing about the toilet seat!! :-0

Okay, I'm going to have to steal this one from you - thanks!! :)

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

I love your smart and beautiful answer! And I broke a toilet seat while preggo too. don't tell.

Mom Knows Everything said...

Bwahahaha!!! The "not wearing a top' totally got me!!! LOL

Donna said...

No perfume of Any kind?? WoW!! Love you!hughugs

Crystal said...

I AM STEALING THIS FOR TOMORROW!!! You never puched no body? LOL! Girl, hang wit me, you'll be a fightin machine before i'm through wit ya! Then you can go take care of hubby's family! lOL! Did I just say that out loud??? Oops;o) LOVE YOU!!!

Jennifer said...

Trevor ate green eggs and ham last year in school too. funny. they did a whole tribute to Dr. Suess and they made them and some other things like silly hats and all. very cute!! or maybe it was the year before... not sure. (bad mommy memory) lol

anyway. I am thinking I will do this for my post today... I am too lazy to fill everyone in on the camping trip.... which was fun but a LOT of work... there were 5 children... all with some lingering DNA that matched... their dads are brothers... so they were all WILD and sometimes CRAZY and most definitely LOUD and it was a lot of work... ugh!! and then there were their DADS... ugh... just over grown children... that acted worse than the little ones. lol lol

all in all everyone did pretty good. we had some late nights and very early mornings... I'm talking around 6:15 AM... but it was good times. we want to go back again... either we like the pain and punishment or it wasn't that horrible. :) lol

well i'm going to read more!! i see camera critters below this...


love you!! xooxoxox your NY potty mouth girl!! ;)