Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Thursday Thirteen ~ 3

Thirteen Shows I Am Looking Forward To Watching When I Get My Cable Back Next Friday!
(I would do this next week, but I will be offline while they get everything connected!)

Survivor Gabon...starts in september..yay!!!!
Weeds...playing now on cable comes with on demand, where I can watch the past episodes of this season!
Iron Chef America...who doesn't love this show???
Jon & Kate plus 8...brandi wants to go play with all these kids!
ER...entering it's 15th and final season...I am VERY sad about this, people.
The Tudors...not on again until next year, but I love it!
Top Chef...not sure when the new season starts, but I just love this show...and the catch phrases..."I'm not your bitch, bitch"...or..."I have culinary boner"...Love it!
Ace Of Cakes...who doesn't love duff...and that laugh! Army Wives...again, thanks to on demand, I should be able to catch up on this summers episodes I've missed
The Big Bang Theory...this show is just FUNNY!
Dexter...enough said.
House...another favorite I'm looking forward to in september
and for the kiddos.....

okay, so I enjoy these shows too! :)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


SandyCarlson said...

Get 13 good snacks ready, too.

Jennifer said...

From your list HOUSE is my favorite!! I used to watch ER until I got married (I think then I tried taping it and watching it and just couldn't keep up.

As for the kids we're missing all of our Nick shows right now since our satelitte doesn't have it in HD and that is the package that hubby ordered, we agreed we'd go without it to save some money for a few months but the kids aren't happy.

Tink said...

A lot of those are not aired over here unfortunately. I love ER and House though, actually I just watched an episode of House. :)
Thanks for visiting my TT!

Open Grove Claudia said...

Gosh, we don't have a television so I don't know any of these shows. I'm glad you have shows you like though.

(btw, I hate AT&T too!)

Happy TT

Susan Demeter said...

I definitely want to check out the Tudors too :) Great list and Happy TT

Mine is posted here:

Stop by if you have a moment :)

Michelle said...

Great list. I love House, The Big Bang Theory and of course Dexter. I can't wait for the new fall season to start. Happy TT!

Nicholas said...

I must be out of touch -- there are several there I have never even heard of. The only ones I watch are Top Chef (quite nice but not nearly as good as Hell's Kitchen) and ER. I didn't know this was to be the final season but I'm not surprised. It seemed to have lost its way a few years ago and during the last season it was floundering.

Malcolm said...

Although I don't watch it often, whenever I catch "Big Bang Theory" I laugh my ass off. Come to think of it, the entire comedy lineup on CBS Monday nights is probably the best on TV.

I too watch "Hannah Montana", "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody" and some of the other sitcoms on The Disney Channel. Even though they won't win any major Emmy awards, they make me laugh and that's all I ask for in a sitcom.

Yasmin said...

i'm looking forward to house, er. dexter and not on your list but a show I enjoy and grey's anatomy. happy tt.

Julia said...

Make sure you have enough supplies, it looks as if you're going to spend a lot of time in front of the tv.
I love Dr House, so I'm lookiing forward to it as well.

Happy TT and greets

Tammy said...

I'm looking forward to the new shows to start too! Fun list, you have a lot of TV watching to do. Enjoy. Happy TT

Meju said...

I love House, Iron Chef and Jon and Kate...of course my kids watch all of the Disney and Nick shows. Good list.

Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

Wow, I just read your AT&T ordeal. They are AT&T in name only because SBC bought them. Once upon a time AT&T was great and SBC was not too bad either, but that was once upon a time, long, long ago ... now it is only a faint glimmer in the land of our memories.

bernieg1 said...

I would be baiting my time with waiting for cable to watch that list of TV shows too. House and ER are my favorites. I heard Army Wives if pretty good, but that last year was better. Is it true they are turning the show into a soap opera of sorts?

My TT is up here.

SJ Reidhead said...

I'm hooked on Top Chef.

The Pink Flamingo

Anonymous said...

How sad is it that the only one of those I watch is iCarly.

Anonymous said...

I have never watched Weeds (want to) never saw Dexter (heard is great) and never heard of Ace of Cakes (What is that about?)


Alice (in BC Canada) said...

I'm totally with you on ER and House! I'm looking forward to the new episodes of these and several other shows this fall.

Alice at I Was Born2Cree8
Or My 24th Thursday 13

Anonymous said...

I watch almost all of those shows too! My son is too little for the Nickelodeon & Disney shows you listed, but I love the rest!

Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

Army Wives and Big Bang Theory are my faves too! But we are probably a few series behind you guys!!

Cool TT!

Qtpies7 said...

I read your post on AT&T, and I totally hear you! We are having a time like that with our mortgage company. It has been since April for us, and we can't get anywhere. Well, that is not true, they went from saying we were three months behind to one month behind on paper, but on the phone they say we are current. They never fix it though. Just keep charging us fees.

L said...

I always meant to watch The Tudors and haven't seen it yet.

MInTheGap said...

Some of those I've never seen. I'm just glad NBC has VeggieTales!

Mine's up at

Anonymous said...

I've been meaning to see Weeds. I think I'll make more of an effort now.

My TT is here:

Rebecca said...

The sad thing is, the ones I'm most familiar with are the kid ones... But that's b/c most of my tv watching is done at my sisters, and the nieces like those shows :)

Anonymous said...

Great list I'm excited for Survivor to come back as well as the Amazing Race. I love Iron Chef and never miss it and I'm also sad about ER, I've not missed an episode in 14 seasons so it will be weird when it's off the air. I'd be Duff's sex slave just for the cakes he makes - he's so talented and I love Top Chef as well.

Happy TT!

Cindy Swanson said...

What a great idea for a post! Me? I'm totally looking forward to "The Biggest Loser"!

Vixen of said...

Survivor! Heroes! Dexter! House!

Now I can't wait! You got me all excited.


Jennifer said...

how sad is it that I mostly watch the last ones that you listed for the kiddos?? will you still be my friend even though i'm slightly pathetic??? please!! ;)

i do watch house and ace of cakes, the other ones i haven't really gotten into although I may have seen them a few times and not realized what they were.

my house just seems wayyyyy WAY to hectic to try to watch a certain show every week at the same time... that would also mean I'd have to be organized enough and have enough brain power left at night to actually remember what to watch and when. lol

I do religously watch American Idol... I know i'm more of a looser than you thought I was... it is okay... I'm good with it. lol lol lol

i also watch Deadliest Catch with Bryan now... I like it too, though.

the kids shows are pretty entertaining... we mostly watch Drake & Josh and also Hannah Montana... AND Suite Life Of Zach & Cody...

that is my life.

sad but true.

I also LOVE to watch Jon & Kate plus 8... but mostly late at night when everyone is sleeping and I am having quiet time alone...

yep while trying to catch a break from life with kids... i watch a show with a billion little tykes running around... seems odd huh?? yeah... but it makes me feel so much better that I ONLY have three NOT E.I.G.H.T.!! could you imagine?? I could NOT!!

anyway... I'm sure you will enjoy your new television privledges... especially while the kiddos are at school!!

yeah you know... I miss Trevor now... but only maybe b/c I still have two at home...I'm sure once they are all in school, I will be just fine... typing away and enjoying the peace and **GASP** QUIET!! wow.

right now everyone is napping... yay!! I should be doing stuff... like getting ready for camping... but instead I'm sitting here chatting with you and it is much more fun!!

but i better get going.

lovers you!! mwah!!


PS speaking of kids and all, how are they all liking school this year?? I hope they are happy little peanuts there, soaking up all the knowledge they can get!!


jenn said...

jenn ~ the kids LOVE school...even brandi. I was worried about her, because last year she cried every day getting on the bus. So far this week, she's been all smiles. She told me yesterday that she can't wait for 2nd grade, because 1st grade is so much more fun than kindergarten, so 2nd grade MUST be more fun than first! I'm sooo happy she is loving it! Ryan is happy he doesn't have reading this year. For the past 6 years, he has had to read 30 minutes every night, and we struggled with that. He just hates to read. I think it might be his adhd. So no nightly reading this year, and he is given time in each class to do some homework, so he really only has to finish what he starts in school. Kasi is just so easygoing. She enjoys reading, like me, and is happy to go with the flow. I am worried she might "start" this year. I know crystal's sam started at 10, and girls these days start so young! We had the talk, so she is prepared, but still a freaky time for a girl.

I LOVE deadliest catch! I can't believe I forgot to put it on the list! I like the northwestern the best, There's just something about those blond haired, blue eyed men....

Anyway...I'm sorry you're missing trevor. How's he liking school? I hope he's having a great time.

Okay, enough rambling. I'll talk to you soon!

Unknown said...

Great TT and I know that feeling we went without cable for over a YEAR. can you imagine?
PS, there is a gift for you in my TT at The Cafe, and I also do TT at Mama Bear Reads now too.
Miss you sweetie.

Lucy said...

wow you've introduced me to shows I've never heard of! Except for House, who I occasionally watch and ER who I UsED to love during the clooney years.. I feel like a Tv virgin.

Ladykli said...

It's sooo sad about ER! What ever will we do? I like Ace of Cakes. My daughters and I get a kick out of Geoff. He has such a dry humor. I also watch Jon & Kate. I admire them. My mother in law had 9 kids but they were all under the age of 7. God Bless them.

Ladykli said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Forgetfulone said...

I enjoy those "kid" shows, too! I'm really looking forward to ER. I have missed most of the last two seasons due to the kids, but we have DVR now - unless I forget that!

Mom Knows Everything said...