Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Busy Day

Today will be a busy day. I am leaving here to go babysit carson in a few minutes, but wanted to just pop in. My niece is beautiful; she looks like kasi! I look at her and see kasi at that age! I will also be spending the day with cheryl, matthew, and ashleigh.

I am still trying to figure out this whole pay to post thing. I know about pay per post, and my blog was approved for that, but what about other sites? Can you guys point me in the right direction? Oh, and I also need to up my page rank. Any ideas on how I can do that?

I probably won't be back until tonight, so have a wonderful day!


Jennifer said...

You & me both, trying to figure things out I mean!
I added the Google adsense to mine a while back but then redid my background and didn't put it back. No one had click on any anyways so I'd earned nothing so far.
I was thinking about doing the paid to post thing but just haven't taken it on yet.
Now I'll wait until you know what you're doing and can help em! LOL!!

Unknown said...

Good luck with the pay per post, I will not do it, but I see you joined entrecard - YEAH.

Have a great day.

Mom Knows Everything said...

I have a list of paid blogging companies that I work for and I will send you the links to them.

Rebecca said...

WHooooOohOoooOooo! Welcome to Entrecard!! Have fun babysitting today! :)

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

Have a wonderful time with your niece and nephews!

Donna said...

Haven't got a Clue on Any of it! Happy day sweetie!hughugs

Mattyboy said...

Have a great time with your nieces and nephews!

I have a list of sites I can send you. I started off getting use to one site then moved on to others that way things weren't so confusing! I have my house in a mess trying to get things organized but I will email you soon!

I am getting tired and don't want to sign out hubby then re enter my comment so YES MATTYBOY IS ME ONCE AGAIN...~~carrie~~ ONLY THIS TIME I KNOW I DID IT!!!! LOL

talk later

jenn said...

carrie ~ I know it's you by now! lol!

Jennifer said...


i hope you had a great day w/ your family. sounds like a nice time.

that is so neat that your neice looks like Kasi. then there is no doubt she is beautiful. ;)

what you are talking about pay to post... i have to read some more... I guess my head was up my butt for way longer than i thought... i have missed a lot... sorry.
