Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Book Meme

I have been tagged by my new friend, sarah, to do this fun book meme!
Here's the rules: Grab the nearest book. Open the book to page 56. Find the fifth sentence. Post the text of the next two to five sentences in your journal/blog along with these instructions.
Don't dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST. Tag five other people to do the same.

The closest book to me is ryan's goosebumps book, Escape From The Carnival Of Horrors.

"Unbelievable! You were practically inches away from safety the entire time! Slogging through the brown foam, you wade to shore. Your clothes are dripping wet and smell like sewer. Well, look on the bright side, you remind yourself. At least you didn't go down with the boat."

Sounds like an interesting read, huh? lol! I guess I should just be happy he IS reading.

I tag: jenn, jennifer, carrie, tammy, and diana.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tag, I'll get it done today! :o)

Anonymous said...

All done and up buddy!:o)

Jennifer said...

very cool. Trevor just got a goosebumps movie with his bday money... i actually think it is the same title as the book that ryan is reading. i thought about getting some of the goosbump books for trev and i to read together, but he is way too young for now. but maybe for me to read to him. he loves the dvd. and he loves books!! :)

i'm going to get to work on this meme after i take care of some laundry... trying to make myself do things around the house today before I get to reward myself with internet time. lol but it is working. :)

i'll be back.


Tammy said...

I know you didn't tag me for this but I'm doing it. My name is Tammy so I could pretend. It sounds like fun and I happen to have a book right here. It's funny that you had a goosebumps book by you.

Sassyfrazz said...

That's funny! Thanks for playing along. I thing these memes are fun!