Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Bring Out Your Bears (or other toys) Meme

Tammy tagged me with this nostalgic meme. Basically all you need to do is pick one of your favorite toys as a kid, post a picture of it (Google images is great if you don't have a picture of it), and tell us about it. At the end tag a couple of people for it.

This is judy evey. My parents gave her to me for my 12th birthday in 1984. All I wanted was a cabbage patch kid with dimples and red hair. This was when you could not find these dolls anywhere! My mom just lucked out and was in the store when they got a delivery. I am such a dork because she still sits on my dresser, in her original outfit, minus socks and shoes. (I took this picture 10 minute ago) What makes this worse is that I still have the original birth certificate you mail away for, complete with the envelope it arrived in.

I know. I'm such a freak. (I was gonna say schmuck, but carrie would kill me!) I am a saver. I have a hard time getting rid of things.

Who to tag???? Whoever wants to play along!


Missy said...

awe this reminds me of when I was little, my cousin and I would play with her 2 Cabbage Patch kids. She had one with hair like yours and one that had a plastic head that had the hair carved in and painted on and we'd fight over who'd have the baby with the hair you could braid! LOL! I always lost and and got the plastic headed baby. When I had Alex, I told her I finally got my cabbage patch baby with hair! :} Thanks for sharing the pics, I loved the warm fuzzy this morning!

Mattyboy said...

Jenn you are a schmuck! LOL I can't beleive you still have your cabbage patch doll. I wish I had of kept mine for Trinity.

Looks like fun! I will try to post this as well.

siteseer said...

Having the doll is kind of a big thing, but having the birth certificate and envelope and being able to locate them when you want to....now that's a big deal!!

Kristin said...

This post made me laugh...because it hit too close to home. I still have my FAVORITE cabbage patch. Her name is Cecilia Janine..and she is in rough shape. Over the course of her life, I had given her a hair cut, peirced her nose and ears..and now, she is my 3 year olds...ha ha...Long live the cabbage patch!

Tammy said...

I'm a bit older then you and remember looking for these dolls for my BFF in schools neice. I have I think 2 still in unopened boxes someplace in my garage. Talk about a saver.

Anonymous said...

That is so cool that you still have it!!!

Christina said...

Wow!! My mom did the same thing and kept mine in the guest bedroom. I don't have the birth certificate, but I remember her name came as Bobby Timothia. Ouch...and I quickly changed that to Ashley Kelly. Crazy how such a small moment can bring back such clear amazing memories! Thanks for taking me back!