Thursday, October 9, 2008

Finally, Some Relief

My head is finally starting to feel better. I ate some potatoes, watched survivor, and took a shower. That seemed to help. I'm thinking I might be spending too much time on the computer, and my eyes are making my head hurt. Make sense? But we all know I am not giving up my blogging time. That's just not going to happen.

I finally made my shopping list for tomorrow. I think I remembered everything I need for the party. I bought this kit where I can make chocolate pretzel rods. Hopefully I can make them come out alright. I might tackle those this weekend. The only problem would be keeping the kids (and hubby) out of them until the 24th.

We've almost settled on costumes. I am going to be a pumpkin, boo is going to be a cat, kasi will be a witch again, and ryan is the only one still deciding.

My mom is making cupcakes, so I don't have to worry about that. I'm going to make brownies, though, cause last year the kids loved the tombstone shaped ones off the cake. I'm going to do the same thing...shaping them into tombstones, then piping them with icing. They should come out cute. I know they did last year.

I guess I need to get off this thing. ER is gonna start in about 30 minutes, and I need to go dry my hair. Have a great night!


Kristin said...

mmmmmm...chocalate pretzel rods! Your party sounds like it will be lots of fun!!

Forgetfulone said...

I hope you take pix of your tombstone brownies!

Forgetfulone said...

I hope you take pix of your tombstone brownies!

Jennifer said...

Maybe you could freeze the pretzel rods until the night before?