Sunday, January 4, 2009

Free Calling

How much do you pay each month for long distance? If you are like most people, you probably wait until you have free long distance on your cell phone to make your calls. I have a bundle package myself, so I don't pay per call. I used to, and it added up so quickly. My sister lives in New York, and we talk almost every day. My phone bill was ridiculously high. I wish they had VoIP calling back then. Maybe they did and I just didn't know about it. is the first totally free VoIP service. Anyone in the United States can make free calls to either land line or mobile phones. All you have to do is visit their site, and have a broadband Internet connection. You will also need to use your computer microphone or headset. There are no downloads or other equipment needed. You just watch a short 15 second advertisement before your call is connected. If you register with the site, you can make unlimited calls. If you do not wish to register, you can still make calls, but only lasting up to two minutes. Right now, with money tight for a lot of people, free phone calls sound like a great idea.


Mary said...

Sounds like a great idea. I'm considering cutting off my phone and just using my cell. This could be another possibility. Thanks for sharing.

Jennifer said...

hey that is pretty nifty. if i have to make any long distant calls i will be sure to use this. very cool. and honestly what is a quick video for free phone service. wow.

thanks for sharing. you always find the coolest stuff.
