Friday, April 3, 2009

Blu Frog Energy Drinks

Remember a couple of weeks ago I did a post about getting this box in the mail? Inside was a bunch of St. Patrick's Day goodies, and two energy drinks. I knew I couldn't drink the energy drinks because they had sugar in them, and you all know about my sugar issues, so I stuck them in the fridge for Junior.

Well, me being me, I totally forgot they were in there. This afternoon, Ryan was looking for something to drink, and pulled one out, asking if he could drink it.

Um, no. Letting a 13 year old with ADHD drink an energy drink is not such a good idea. But, because I am a sucker, I let all three of the kids have a sip before giving it to Junior.

Brandi said it was good, and that it tasted like flat Mello Yello.

Kasi said it was yummy, and tasted like a fruity Mountain Dew.

Ryan also said it was really good, and that it tasted like Mountain Dew.

Of course, they didn't get more than one sip, because I do want them to sleep tonight! lol! Junior finished the drink, and said it was fruity. He liked that he didn't have the crash an hour later like some energy drinks do. I may have to order some, because he would love to have these for those days he has to work the early shift after working the late shift the night before.

I guess I should mention that they are Blu Frog energy drinks. You can check out their website here. They got four thumbs up in my house, so that must mean they are pretty good!


Tammy said...

I haven't had a energy drink yet. I don't really like the kid's drinking them but I know they do when I'm not around. I know some day's I could really use one.

Ashley K. Edwards said...

I really, really like Blu Frog! Whenever we have them around the IZEA office they never last for long.