Monday, November 16, 2009

I Think I Just Set A Record!

I don't think I have ever gone a whole weekend without posting something before. Weird.

Anyway, it was kind of a busy weekend in a do nothing kind of way. That doesn't even make sense, does it? On Saturday, the girls and I went to the park and lunch with my mom and sister. Carson was a s cute as ever, and of course baby Lylah was adorable. I spent a good part of our time there just holding her.

I love babies.

Here is a shot of Carson and Brandi. They are definitely "best cousins". I love how much he loves her!Here's a shot of soon as i took this picture, she stole my camera and took a bunch of pictures of Brandi and Carson...they are posted on my facebook if you're interested.

And no post would be complete without a shot of this mug...

1 comment:

wondermomsworld said...

hi jenn. u have a wonderful children. God bless. Can we exchange link?