Wednesday, November 11, 2009

This Is Why I Want To Move RIGHT NOW!!!!

Okay people. This is the ceiling in the corner of my kitchen above my washer and dryer. As you can see, this morning it was dripping like crazy. Poor Kasi woke up and during the night the ceiling above her bed had started leaking, and her blankets were soaked. I don't know how she slept like that, but right now there are four buckets on her bed catching water. There are five in the kitchen, and the living room is miraculously drip free right now.

As the kids were getting ready this morning, Ryan walked into the kitchen up and saw that little thing on my ceiling. Care to guess what it was?

A freakin' slug!

Gross, right? Oh, but that was not the only was. There was another on the blinds in the living room. Another crawling (do they crawl or slither or what?) across my kitchen floor. Then when we went to go to the bus stop, there were tons on the front porch, some trying to get in under the door.

Have I mentioned I am soooo ready to move????


A Lil Enchanted said...

Oh my gosh Girl... you need to get outta there! I can't believe your landlord won't do something about it... I think I would refuse to pay rent until the leaks are fixed... take tons of pics and document every leak every time it rains... so if he takes you to court you have proof.. I'm sure that any judge would rule in your favor. That is just sooo wrong that your child is waking up with a wet bed because of your landlord's neglect.

A Lil Enchanted,

Frugal Vicki said...

Oh, hun! You need to move quickly! Poor thing, I am sorry. But, as I always tell my hubby when we complain about our place, thing how WONDERFUL home is going to be when you move.

Jenera said...

There are not many things that gross me out more than slugs.

In the house we bought back in Oregon, shortly after moving in we had a huge family of slugs migrate through a hole in the wall into the laundry. Grossed me right the hell out. Yuk.

Moving day can't come too soon, right?

Anonymous said...

why haven't you moved yet? thats AWFUL!!!!!

Sugar Daddy Dating said...

oh! you should move as soon as possible. good thing those slugs are not landing on you head, lol.