Tuesday, April 27, 2010


For the past couple of weeks, I have been making a real effort when it comes to my comments.  I have been leaving more on the blogs I read daily, and the ones I drop on.  Now, sometimes it's hard to comment when dropping, because not all the blogs update daily.  But, when a post stands out to me, I will read and try to comment.  This is a big step for me, because I usually feel like what I have to say isn't good enough.  I am sure I am not the only on who feels that way. 

I have also been responding to all the comments left on my blogs.  I read somewhere that doing this makes visitors feel more welcomed, because I am taking the time to acknowledge their comment, and it let's them know they are appreciated.  The funny thing is, since I have started doing this, I am getting more comments.

Go figure.


Donna said...

I'm not Always faithful but I do Try to respond to everyone...it's hard and I don't always get the chance.
We all have lives and we all know how difficult it is to answer everyone every day. Just do the best you can...
Now You better comment or I'll send the flatbed PU truck up there with Jose...Hahahaa...

jenn said...

Miss Donna ~ you are the only one of my regular reads who does respond. I know it takes a lot of effort, so i am hoping it is worth it. :)

Donna said...

WHAT? Impossible! I must be a stalker....HAHahaha....