Friday, April 23, 2010

I Love My African Violets

When we lived in the duplex, we didn't have any sunshine.  We had so many tress lining the property, so the house always stayed cool and kind of dark.  This did not sit well with all my plants, and most of them ended up dying.
At Christmas time last year, Junior found a really good deal on African Violets.  $.50 a plant!  Unfortunately, they only had 4 left, but he bought them all.  I kept three, and gave one to my mom.  I was not too worried about them dying, because I knew we would be moving soon.

The violets love the new place as much as we do.  I have them on a plant stand in front of the living room window, and they are flowering!  I am so excited!  And they are purple!  I can not wait until all three have full blooms on them.


Tammy said...

They are beautiful and very healthy. You have a green thumb.

jenn said...

I don't usually, but I do have the ability to keep these alive! lol!

Donna said...

Hubby's Grandmother could grow these like Crazy!

jenn said...

Miss Donna ~ I can not wait to see what color the other two are!