Friday, June 4, 2010

Do I Need A New "Do"?

Have you ever woken up in the morning, thinking it would be an ordinary day, only to find out that you were wrong?  I seem to be having that kind of day today.  Everything seems to be ticking me off, and I am tired of the way I look.  This isn't about my weight (for once), it is about my hair.  I have had the same "do" for all of my married life.  In fact, my husband cuts it for me.  It's not hard since my hair is all one length, and all I need is a trim every now and then.

Today I feel like changing things up.  I am thinking about going to flower mound salons and seeing what they would recommend for me.  I want a real stylist to tell me what kind of style will best flatter my round face.   I don't want to lose too much length, but I do want my hair to have some, oh I don't know.  Right now it just kind of hangs there.  I want a cut with personality.

If only I was brave enough to actually make that change.


Crystal said...

I find u to be a VERY brave woman girl. U would LOVE a new do and I think u should do it! How long is it now? U can still keep ur hair long. Cut a couple of inches off while adding layers!! Gives fullness and adds an extra kick to ur look!!

Dawn said...

I would go for a new do!! I wouldn't do supercuts or anything. Go to a salon or get good recommendations!

Crystal has excellent recommendations!! Go for a consult or something like that. Feel comfortable with the person who you so choose !! :)

Mizé said...

My hair was like yours for such a long time. I couldn´t envision myself with another do. Then, nearly one year ago, I got the courage and made a layer´s do, like Crystal mentioned.
I was very surprised how well it turned out and don´t regret the big change a bit. I look younger, the do is versatile plus it´s easier to wash and care.
If you really want to change, don´t think too much about it, just do it :)

jenn said...

Crystal ~ it's not as long as it used to be. It's only about half way down my back. I think adding layers would work, but I don't want to lose too much length.

jenn said...

Dawn ~ I took my oldest daughter to supercuts (or something along those lines) a few months ago, and they butchered her hair. They asked what she wanted, and what they did wasn't even close to what she asked for. Her hair parts on the side, and they cut it parted in the middle. It looked horrible! Luckily I was able to fix it for her myself.

My sister used to do nails at a salon, and I know a couple of the girls who do hair there, so that's probably where I'll go...once i get up the nerve! lol!

jenn said...

Mize ~ I definitely need your attitude. I really do want a change, I'm just scared.