Friday, June 4, 2010

Follow Me Friday ~ The Second Time Around

Okay, friends.  Just like last week, I am participating in Follow Me Friday.  If you want to join in, head to Still On The Verge and sign up.  Then visit the other blogs, and if you like any of them, become a follower.

That's all there is to it!  Easy-peasy.  Last week I found a few blogs that have made it onto my reading list.  I am hoping to find even more this week.


Java said...

Hi Jenn!!

Following you back!

Have a great weekend!!

NoDebtMomma said...

Thanks for stopping by! I wish I could find more cheap finds like milk jug! Have a great weekend!

Mom. Undecided.

jenn said...

Java ~ Thanks! Have a great one.

jenn said...

Sam ~ I look forward to seeing more of your finds.

I am Harriet said...

Hi Jenn.
Stopping by from Follow Me Friday to say hello.
Have a great day!

Unknown said...

Jenn - Have I told you lately how awesome you are???? Thanks for the post again this week. You are the best!


jenn said...

Harriet ~ you do the same!

jenn said...

Lydia ~ I know. I am pretty awesome. :p