Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I guess the big question today is have you seen the movie yet?

No, I was not one of the fanatics who went to a midnight show last night.  I do, however, plan on seeing it this weekend with the girls.  I was wondering, though, if it is too scary for Brandi (she's 8) to see.  I know they have the big fight scene between Edward and Victoria, and watching the previews, this one looks 'darker' than the first two.  I don't want to take her and then deal with nightmares for a week.



Unknown said...

Hmmm, I was thinking this week-end would be crazy busy too. Do you think you can even get in that soon?


Tammy said...

Maybe go see it first then if you think it's okay for Brandi take her when you go see it again. You know you will want to see it more then once.

jenn said...

Crazy Suburban Mom ~ I have my tickets already, because I had a feeling it would be crazy! lol!

jenn said...

Tammy ~ I talked to Brandi, and she knows it will be more violent (a lot of heads being ripped off from what I've heard) and she wants to go, so I'll take her. The worst thing that can happen is we'll have to leave the theater.

Forgetfulone said...

I still haven't seen New Moon! I read Twilight, didn't like it much, saw the movie, thought it was even worse than the book. So, I haven't read any more of the books, but I will probably watch the second 2 on DVD.

jenn said...

Diana ~ I loved the books, and even though I don't think the movies are as good as the books, I still go see them.