Monday, June 21, 2010

So, How Was Your Father's Day?

Junior says he had a good one, but I'm not too sure. 

I made breakfast in the morning, cantaloupe and biscuits, and then we just kind of hung around the house for a while.  Junior's hand is still bothering him (he goes back to the doctor tomorrow), so the only thing he wanted to do was hang out inside, where he would be cool.  After a little while, though, being stuck in the house got to all of us, so we headed over to my mom's, where Junior could hang out inside while we played in the pool.  I cooked supper on the grill, and then we headed home.  I felt bad that Junior spent his Father's Day sitting inside while we all had fun, but he insisted that he didn't want all of us to be miserable just because he was. 

I told him that next weekend, when his hand is feeling better, we will do something special.

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