Friday, June 18, 2010

When It Rains, It Freakin' Pours!

Junior's hand is a mess.  He had to go back to the ER this morning to have it checked, and the doctor didn't like the way it looked.  He didn't think the antibiotic was working well, and Junior lost some range of motion in his hand, so the doctor sent him to a specialist.

The specialist really didn't like the way it looks.  He put Junior on another antibiotic (a very high dosage) and finally gave the poor guy some pain medicine.  He also re-packed the wound, and showed Junior how to do it himself, because between now and Monday, Junior has to pull the old dressing out and put in a new one, twice a day.  We had to get a special (aka expensive) medicated gauze to go into the wound.  If the medicine doesn't kick in over the weekend, Junior is looking at having surgery Monday morning.

Fun, right?  The poor guy is freaking out, and I can't blame him.  They are talking about going in and scraping out the infection.  I used a black sharpie to outline the redness today, that way we will know for sure if there is any improvement.  I remember them doing the same thing to my boob.  I am hoping and praying that by tomorrow we see it getting better, and that there is real improvement by Sunday.  If you find it in your heart, send up a little prayer too. It would be greatly appreciated.

To top off today, Brandi decided to get sick.  She is running a fever (101.2) and not feeling great.  I was supposed to babysit my nephew in the morning, and my grandmother and aunt are coming in tomorrow, too.  If she still has a fever in the morning, we won't be able to go see them.  I'm not to worried about seeing my grandmother, because she will be here all week.  My aunt is leaving on Sunday, though, and I really wanted to see her.

We are also supposed to go to my dad's house on father's Day, but I am not too sure if Junior will be up to socializing.  Right now, he is in a drug induced sleep (thank you lortab!), and I think he wants to stay that way.  I can't blame the guy, though.  If there was gauze stuffed into a cut on my hand, I'd be wanting to sleep away the pain, too.

I am off to get some work done, and maybe go take Brandi to bed.  She is looking pretty pitiful. :(


imelda said...

u must be freakin worried of the things that are happening around you, cool down jenn. everything will be fine soon

Unknown said...

My thoughts and prayers for speedy recovery all through your house! Hang in there!

Jennifer Nordin, LMT, CPT said...

That does not sound like fun, Jenn! Ouch! I am a clinical aromatherapist so hope you don't mind me sharing a few tips for your troubles.... Have you tried using tea tree essential oil on the infection? Tea tree(melaleuca alternifolia) and eucalyptus globulus have been researched for their ability to kill even MRSA, which it has successfully achieved for some of my patients. You can google about it or ask me if you want to know more. Oh, and rubbing a couple drops of peppermint essential oil on the soles of the feet helps bring down a fever...:)
Jen @ Oils For Wellness

Tara Beaulieu said...

Oh not fun at all! My husband had an infected wound on his back that we had to pack and unpack for days and all the while it was draining yucky stuff and looking horrible. Took two rounds of antibiotics to clear it up. My thoughts are with Junior and Brandi!

Donna said...

My Word sweetie! Y'all are Having it aren't you?!!!
Prayers coming at you All!!

jenn said...

imelda ~ I just seems like everything always happens at the same time, and it is easy to become overwhelmed.

jenn said...

Thank you, Lydia. I'm trying!

jenn said...

OilGirl ~ I was reading your comment to my sister, and she said her father-in-law swears by tea tree oil. She is going to see if she can get some from him for Junior to try. Thanks for the tip.

jenn said...

Tara Beaulieu ~ I can not help him clean his wound and repack it...he is doing all of it himself. but, it is looking better, so i think we are on our way to a recovery without surgical intervention.

jenn said...

Thank you Miss Donna! I am about to write an update...Junior's hand looks so much better, but it's still painful. Extremely painful. It doesn't look like he'll need surgery (yay!) so he will see the doctor again on Tuesday. Brandi is still running a fever...don't know why, though. She stopped for a while this afternoon, and I let her swim, but now it's back. I think tomorrow we will skip the pool...