Monday, July 12, 2010

Do You Play The Lottery?

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of goviral. All opinions are 100% mine.
Have you ever thought about what you would do if you won the lottery?  Would you quit your job, or continue working?  Would you share your millions, or keep it all for yourself?  Or would you play paintball on an island somewhere like the guys in the video are doing?

Junior and I do not play the lottery on a regular basis, but when the jackpot is big enough, we'll buy a ticket or two.  We have yet to win, but that doesn't mean we haven't dreamed about what we would do with the money.

First, Junior would quit his job.  That's a no brainer.  Second, we would buy a house.  I don't want something big and flashy, just something big enough for me, Junior, the kids, and the cats, because I would certainly get some cats.  Third, we would pay off my mom, dad, sisters and brother's houses.

Those are the three most important things to me, but there are other things we would do.  I would convince Junior to hire me a chauffeur.  That's right.  I would want someone who would drive me where ever I wanted to go, without complaint.  I would also give money to charity.  There are a few places locally that have helped Junior and I when we needed it, and I would love to be able to give a little back.

Of course, I do not think we will ever be lucky enough to win the lottery, but it sure is nice to try once in a while.  And it doesn't hurt a thing to dream.
Visit my sponsor: Euromillionaire Island

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