Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I Think I Might Be Sick. I Mean, Really Sick.

I woke up yesterday not being able to breathe.  Not congested, but my chest felt heavy, and it was difficult to take a deep breath.  I ended up napping for most of the morning, then we took a trip to Walmart, which completely drained me.

I should have stayed home.

I was freezing cold, and the sweating two seconds later.  My entire body hurt, and then around 1am, the fun part started.  I am a huge baby, and I hate throwing up.  I hate it.  But, I made it through the night, and am not feeling very much better.  I have been able to keep down a few sips of soda, but I am afraid to eat.  (I'm not really hungry anyway) 

I am just praying that the kids don't get whatever it is that I have.


Tammy said...

I hope your kid's don't get it either. Feel better fast.

Gossip Junkie said...

Hi, take some med and have a real rest.
get well soon. :)

Unknown said...

I hope you get better soon, but I can completely understand how you feel - the symptoms you describe are exactly the same as what I have been suffering from for the last 12 days, and to top everything off I can't get into to see the doctors as they have no appointments. GRRR what do I pay my taxes for lol.

Frugal Vicki said...

Ohhhh, I am so sorry. I hate throwing up too. Especially if it isn't a "just that moment been cleaned toilet". I hope you feel better soon!

jenn said...

Tammy ~ thank you! So far it has only been me....fingers crossed!

jenn said...

Gossip Junkie ~ Thank you! I will.

jenn said...

Ian ~ 12 days! I couldn't handle the two I felt that way. I hope you start feeling better soon.

jenn said...

Vicki ~ this is going to sound nuts, but when I feel even a little bit like I am going to throw up, I go and clean the toilet. I also surround it with towels and wash clothes, and a bottle of water...yeah, I know I'm crazy! LOL!

Unknown said...

I hope you get well quick and nobody else gets it!


jenn said...

Thanks Lydia! So far, so good :)

~Jenn~ said...

:( that really sucks. the other day i didn't feel "right" took it easy and it kind of passed, but today i'm not feeling too hot, was thinking it was stress, but am thinking it might be something going around. :( boo. i'm a huge baby too, and really hate to vomit!! :( blah.

i hope you are feeling much better by now and that no one else in your family gets it. take care of yourself, and even if you aren't hungry still, you should try to make sure you drink plenty so you don't get dehydrated.
hope you feel better. sending you lots of get well wishes.
xoxoxo (((( hugs )))))

jenn said...

jenn ~ I think I got dehydrated the other day, which just made me feel worse. I was able to eat a sandwich last night, but that has pretty much been it since Monday. I'm hoping I can eat today...I miss food! lol!

Forgetfulone said...

I hope you're feeling better by now.

jenn said...

Thanks Diana! Aside from food making me nauseous, I feel pretty good.